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What investments will Customer Success Leaders make in 2024?

With over 600 participants across companies of every size, this report shines a light on what are the top challenges and opportunities for Customer Success for next year.

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SaaS Customer Success teams are highly commercial. Of the 600+ surveyed companies, 93.7% measure the impact of Customer Success using a revenue target (GRR, NRR or both).

 The top challenge CS leaders want to tackle in 2024 is ‘Delivering Value to Customers’, highlighting a gap that most organisations have in their understanding and ability to deliver and measure customer outcomes. To tackle this challenge, CS leaders are hoping to invest in defining customer outcomes, mapping the customer journey and making improvements to existing high-touch CS playbooks.

Scaling Customer Success comes as the second most important challenge for CS leaders in 2024. With the persistent economic pressure, more CS organisations are hoping to break linear growth and operate more efficiently. Leaders have reported investments in automation and CS platforms as the top system priorities for 2024. The more innovative tools for scaling such as Machine Learning and AI rank lower in the priority list of most of the respondents, indicating that they are still seen as low impact.


Everything you need to make CS investment decisions in 2024.

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Peek into the CS Strategy of Hundreds of Companies.

Download the report and uncover the top challenges, opportunities and investments for Customer Success teams in 2024.