This is Growth

#56: 3 Experiences To Transform Your Customer Success 🚀

Written by Daphne Lopes | Apr 26, 2024 2:44:32 PM

We are all fighting for our customer's attention. 

With companies using over 200 SaaS applications, chances are you are not the only company trying to grab hold of your customers.

Let's stop and think for a second... 

  • How many EBRs are executives and VPs invited to?
  • How many product updates are business users receiving?
  • How many webinars are champions invited to?
  • How many consulting calls is the head of the department being asked to attend?

Too many to care is my guess (I am on the receiving end of a LOT of these emails...).

I am willing to bet that in 10 years Customer Success will look more like media than CS.

The future of Customer Success isn't just about cookie-cutter engagements, bland Business Reviews, and communicating product updates. It's about creating captivating media experiences that resonate with our customers on a deeper level.

Here are four simple yet powerful strategies to kickstart your journey towards this transformative vision:



Podcasts are an increasingly popular format to educate an audience.

It's an authentic way to dive deep into industry trends, share success stories, and provide actionable insights in a format that's easily digestible and highly engaging.

You can invite experts and thought leaders to join discussions on topics that matter most to your customers, offering valuable perspectives and fostering a sense of community.

The best part? Customers are already engaging with podcasts beyond their professional lives.

They don't feel like a chore. They don't require someone to take an hour out of their day to dedicate to this content.

People can habit stack and listen to it while they run, cook or drive. 

Check out Marketing Against The Grain and This is Growth! for inspiration.


Masterclass Video Series

Masterclass gained the minds and hearts of over 2 million people over the last few years.

This is a testament to the appetite that exists for high-value video series.

But these are not simple "how-to" video guides.

Masterclass-style video series are designed to go narrow and deep. To tell customers everything there is to know about one very specific topic.

But wait a minute, how about the attention span, is that not going to be a problem?

The content will cover advanced techniques, best practices and insider tips, offering valuable insights that empower customers to excel in their roles and achieve their goals.

This should feel like the type of content that someone would pay for.

That's why you'll need to find a true subject matter expert, someone with the domain authority required to capture the audience's interest.

Check out Gainsight's Net Retention Masterclass Series for inspiration.


Breakout Videos

Just like anyone else, your customers spend a lot of their time on their phones.

So why not reach them where they are at?

A great way to deliver content that doesn't feel "pushy" is to create short, engaging videos that tell compelling stories, showcase product features, or offer quick tips and tutorials.

Breakout videos are perfect for providing bite-sized content that resonates with your audience.

These videos are typically short, ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes. By keeping them concise and focused, you ensure that they grab the viewer's attention quickly and deliver the intended message without overwhelming them with information.

Get inspired by 27 brands that are acing the TikTok game.

You can also tailor these short videos for individual customers. Imagine a business review delivered in under one minute? 



Our customers are changing and we need to change too. If you want to create a tighter connection, then you need to use more engaging content. A few places to start are:

  1. Podcasts
  2. Masterclasses
  3. Breakout Videos

Here's to embracing innovation and elevating the future of Customer Success.