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#21: Delivering Customer Outcomes Consulting At Scale

by Daphne Lopes on

A few weeks ago, I shared 3 very simple tips that you can use to start measuring customer outcomes. 

This week, I want to take this advice a step further and show you how you can deliver Customer Outcomes consulting at scale by:

  1. embedding benchmarked outcomes data into your product
  2. packaging recommendations that allow customers to self-serve 

So, if you’re ready to truly scale how you measure and communicate customer outcomes, read on for the 3-step method we use at HubSpot.

🔭 Find Where Your Customer Is Working On Key Outcomes

Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) is the methodology I encourage businesses to use when thinking about customer outcomes. It captures key activities that customers need to perform in order to see results, and it's what connects "features" to "outcomes". 

At HubSpot, a key outcome for customers who purchase our marketing tool is to increase the number of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) the business generates. And one of the main JTBDs for that outcome is to send marketing emails.

Now that we know the outcome (increase MQLs) and what customers do to achieve it (send marketing emails), we know that the "Marketing Email Page" is where customers will spend a lot of time at.

That's an ideal place to embed outcomes data.

So if you go into the Email Marketing Tool inside of HubSpot you will find 3 tabs: 

  • Manage: Where you create, edit, and access all your marketing emails.
  • Analyse: Where you find all the data in relation to your marketing emails.
  • Health: Where you can compare your results with other customers like you.

Notice that we don't require users to go to the report tab and generate a report to see this dashboard, we want it to be ultra-easy to find and use.

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👩🏻‍💻 Analyse and Contextualise Customer Outcomes 

Once you identified where best to display your Customer Outcomes Data, bring the core KPIs relating to that JTBD into a dashboard for customers to:

  1.  help understand the performance of a key JTBD in one glance
  2. give your customer an actionable set of KPIs to focus on. 

This is particularly useful for customers that don't have a good idea of what they want to measure and how much they want to improve it. It's a baseline, a place to start from.

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But don't stop at your customer's own performance.

Leverage your first-party data to give customers benchmarks of how they are doing in relation to people.

At Hubspot we allow customers to compare using an industry benchmark or a HubSpot (all) benchmark.

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Once customers select their preferred method for benchmarking, they get comparison data to each of their main email marketing KPIs, allowing them to contextualise their performance easily. 

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🎯 Deliver Targeted Advice To Help Customers At Scale

Wrap this page up with the advice you have for customers to improve their outcomes based on the data you just displayed.

Focus on the most impactful actions they can take to improve their performance and link the recommendations to on-demand resources.

This can start simply by linking to existing courses or playbooks you have available to solve the gaps identified, but over time it can get smarter and more targeted (think about the power of Machine Learning and Generative AI on a page like this!).

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Supercharge your customer's outcomes at scale by delivering actionable insights on key jobs to be done directly where users work.

  1. Identify the areas of your product where customers execute key tasks.
  2. Display core performance KPIs and contextualise them using benchmarking data.
  3. Make it actionable by offering recommendations on how to improve and linking to scale content that helps drive better results.

That's it for today folks.

See you next week!